NEXT COIN SHOW October 17 - 19, 2024
Donate to PAN
Our current fundraiser is the new PAN Living American History Program featuring Abe Lincoln (Dennis Boggs), Ben Franklin (Patrick McBride), and new to the group George Washington (Curt Radabaugh). They are booked at the May 16-18, 2024 – PAN Spring Coin Show. It is our hope to make this program available at all major coin shows throughout the country.
What will your donation do? The money that PAN generates is used to cover travel expenses, hotel, meals and performance fees of these fine actors.
The cost of sponsoring our two coin shows each year is primarily offset with dealer fees, however that is typically not enough for additional educational programs. It is our desire to continue to build our show’s numismatic relevance. Our officers and board members are volunteers and are also our donors. The PAN Living American History Program relies on private and corporate donations.
Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists Donation
Any donation small or large will be greatly appreciated and used wisely!
Thank you from PAN. If you choose to write a check, please make your donation payable to PAN and mail to:
1985 Lincoln Way
Suite 23 #225
White Oak PA 15131
All donations are directed to the PAN Foundation a 501(c)(3) non-profit and are used to advance numismatic education. Consult your tax preparer for deduction advice.